Aloha - Discord Bots in Luau


No longer are the days of having to learn a new language or hire a bot developer. Aloha is jam-packed with (almost) every feature you need to create a functioning bot for your server, whether that be for moderation, verification, or information, there’s built-in wrappers for pretty much everything Discord’s API has to offer.

Github Documentation Pesde

Aloha is a Discord API library written in Luau using Lune. This is an attempt to make a more up-to-date form of Discordia for people who want to make Discord bots in Luau.

Current Features:

  • Event connection system that allows you to listen in on Discord events with ease.
local Aloha = require("Aloha")
local Client = Aloha.Lib.Client

Client.On("MESSAGE_CREATE", function(message)
	print(message.content) -- Messages are automatically parsed into a Lua table, and abstracted to make accessing the channel, guild, etc, easier!

  • A fully fledged type file for all of Discord’s objects, so you don’t have to check the docs!
  • Enums for all those pesky numbers and constants from Discord.
  • A secure and efficient WebSocket connection that automatically reconnects on failure.
  • A built-in Luau evaluator for your convenience, sandboxed and safe for anyone to use!
  • A janitor clone for cleaning up your connections.
  • Built-in rate limiting.
  • Shard management that scales with your bot.

Getting started:

Running Aloha is incredibly simple. Simply call the Run function with your bot token and it will handle the rest.

local Aloha = require("Aloha")
local Enum = Aloha.Lib.Enum
Aloha.Run("YOUR_BOT_TOKEN", Enum.INTENTS.DEFAULT) -- Run takes an optional second argument for intents.

Then run the file with lune run <your_bot_file>.luau and you’re good to go!


Will documentation get updated?

Are there any documents showcasing any code examples?

Documentation is updated dynamically as the codebase is updated.

Code examples are on the, but if there are any specific questions you have, the support discord is on the github!