Aloha Hotels | Session Schedule

:white_check_mark: Hello! Thank you for checking out the Aloha Hotels training schedule, You can find our schedule down below!

:alarm_clock: Session schedule:

Monday-Friday: 9AM EST, 12AM EST, 1PM EST, 3PM EST, 5PM EST, 7PM EST, 2AM EST

Saturday-Sunday: 12AM EST, 5AM EST, 9AM EST, 11AM EST, 3PM EST, 6PM EST, 9PM EST, 2AM EST

:question: Who can join?

:white_check_mark: Trainee

:white_check_mark: Junior Receptionist

:white_check_mark: Receptionist

:x:Head Receptionist


:link:Group Link: Aloha Hotéls - Roblox

:link:Hotel: Aloha hotels (beta) - Roblox

:link:Training Center: Training Center (BETA) - Roblox

:link:Application Center: Application Center - Roblox

Written and approved by Aloha President