Alternate Moving Platform Technique

    Some context before we start
  • Specified platform is suspended in air
  • I need to have it much such that the player will "stick" to it, to have its velocity carry onto the player
  • Player's momentum needs to somehow dissipate when they jump, more or less like real physics. (Mostly handled by Roblox physics itself so it is fine)
  • The specified platform is actually a fully fledged model, only having its primaryPart be referenced where all other parts inside the model is welded (with weldConstraint) , to that primary part.

    I made a moving platform such that its Frame was Tweened to the endPoint^1 platform’s CFrame (Strictly its CFrame). Then with this, I had a RunService.Stepped connected function to have a new velocity always subtract from the original location to get the “deltaPosition” (just, the distance between each value of the 2 points). With this, I only then applied an AssemblyLinearForce (a predefined object I randomly found in the explorer and when following a YouTube video). This works, but it is quite a lot of code especially considering how previously, bodyPosition and BodyGyro handled all that, now being deprecated in place for AlignPosition and AlignOrientation.

    The issue is, I do not know how to use AlignPosition… (at least in my context)

    My question:

    How to use AlignPosition to do what I did above considering the factors I have in my context? *Srsly only asking this because I do not understand how AlignPosition works.

    1: By endpoint platform, I mean another platform that is invisible to act like a reference for where I want it to go.