Alternative to LoadAnimation

Hey, I need an alternative to LoadAnimation(Because it’s deprecated) but I don’t know any, are there any alternatives that you know about? :slight_smile:


I think you did not read the recent announcement clearly. They said only Humanoid:LoadAnimation() is deprecated because it would break the Animator inside that humanoid.

The best alternative for this is use Animator:LoadAnimation() instead on the Humanoid. The Animator is a child of Humanoid on players and you can’t create an Animator on NPCs.


Yeah, I only read the developer hub.


hey uh- how do we do for NPCs? they can’t have an Animator so how do we do from here?

If your using a humanoid then their should be an animator inside the humanoid. If your using an animation controller their also should be a animator inside. You call loadanimation via the animator.

Hope that helps

You add an Animator instance manually inside the humanoid.