Alternatives to “suicidal” content

Add something quick timed event to it to make it more tense then, put something on the line like winning 500 gold coins or something.


Typically making a mechanic that isn’t dark would be better than making something that is obvious that would make the player recognize that sort of behavior.

A button being pressed and dying by chance is better than just killing yourself in something similar to a Death Row.

Try coming up with something that would be appropriate for both the game and the player’ experience while playing it.


If you can’t (or don’t want to) make it not imply to a death gamble then move the project to Unity or Unreal Engine if you don’t want to trash it. Roblox’s a family friendly platform and the game will be definitely taken down if it’d be anywhere near the concept of the Russian Roulette and your account might face termination.


So what if it was like russian roulette, but you didn’t aim the gun at yourself and instead at the person next to you?

As in execution? I think that it’s also not allowed.

I don’t really know how to reply to that, as there are similar games such as Breaking Point with that behavior… Except the player doesn’t know who died and instead has to find out who it is so they can save everyone around them.


But they also have the option to reveal themselves executing the other player

Even though such games have made it onto ROBLOX, doesn’t mean it is wise. Gun Violence or anything involving that is still a behavior that is marked as inappropriate. Think of someone playing a game and then growing up to become a serial killer due to what they have learned by the influence of what they have seen.

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Maybe you can have the player roll a dice or some kind of 8-ball?? And instead of guns, have them oof instead.


Or have something fall on them / kick them out of their seat / etc.

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Basically something that is by chance but also gives it more of a innocent ending rather than something obvious? Good Idea.

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There are many gun games on ROBLOX though, where you kill other people. Games where you are the “killer” and have to eliminate all the other players without being caught. Couldn’t that be seen as what a serial killer does?


Children usually have the option to play those games. Parents should watch their children before they play something like that. Instead of making something that is viewed as dangerous to a child’s behavior, make something work in a way that makes it viewed as a “Oh no I accidentally died!” situation.


I’m talking about ROBLOX games too, and the thing is you’re not wanting to kill yourself in a russian roulette, you’re trying to be the last one in order to win some money or something. And also in the game you have the choice to opt out of pulling the trigger, so is it not an accident if you die?

I know I keep saying russian roulette but just as a foundation of a theme

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This sounds like a simplified edition of Breaking point. which has had its fair share of controversy in the past. Short answer would be it’s against the TOS, however this isn’t something that is always enforced.

Many developers in the past have gotten terminated for this controversial content while others have not. If I were you I’d substitute death with a more cartoonish demise to keep the possibility of getting on robloxs bad side to a bare minimum.

Goal: Shoot players with a freeze ray, if hit the player becomes frozen. Technically players wouldn’t die however players can no longer participate in the game either due to being stuck in a block of ice for eternity (or until the round ends creators choice)


Insteading of worrying about trying to figure out how to make it the way you’ve been suggesting, maybe think of another way to establish your idea in a positive way. Making the player sit out is better than seeing the character dead on the table or anything like that.

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That goes back to my idea, what if instead of players killing themselves with a gun, instead they just take a bit of damage and sit out.

My other simple idea is there is a gun mounted somewhere, and when a player pushes the button the gun can go off, just like the roulette. Technically it isn’t suicide?

Also going back to the idea of breaking point, isn’t someone executing a player of his choice more sinister than this?

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Yes it is, and the game has been taken down in the past multiple times due to controversy behind it.

As I stated before it isn’t always enforced since Roblox prefers to favor some developers over the other.

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But pushing a button and risking that you die by a gun is still sinister. Especially if you see the gun and say “what if I die?” – If you die thinking you probably would, it would still technically be suicide if you did it on purpose… Wouldn’t it?

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But that goes through your mind with many games on the platform. I don’t think this is the problem though. I think it’s just the idea of a gun that you know might kill you. That’s what i’m saying what if it was something such as a nerf or water gun that didn’t kill you and instead of dying you just walked out?