Alternatives to “suicidal” content

You could use something like if they spin a wheel and it lands on a mark then they get sprayed with goo and sit out or something, don’t include anything related to firearms or suggestive to gambling, etc.


Looks really good, no violations in sight. The death scene is really nice and smooth. Great improvements from the original idea! :relaxed:


Can’t do that because it’s client sided and it’s easily exploitable.

What… It doesn’t have to be and anyway it’s a suggestion. Regardless it still shouldn’t be anything suggestive to suicide, gambling and firearms are a nono i’d say.

What would this mean for broken bones? I think you would be fine doing a Russian roulette game, there are many games out on Roblox which include firearms, and it doesn’t really promote suicide anymore than gun games promote murder.


By having a game that is built around suicide, the core selling points of this game would be it’s realism and features however that’s the opposite of what you want to show. I’m not familiar with broken bones however I’m sure it includes more than just murder.

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Although the game follows the rules of Russian Roulette, no one actually dies or is harmed.


Understood I did read his message slightly wrong haha.

Shooting the anvil into the air was one of the ideas you listed above. Possibly have it be you fire the gun and see a projectile go up. Then after 1-2 seconds the item falls onto you. 5 players get a pillow, 1 player gets an anvil. The anvil should bonk the player on the head and maybe with some animation techniques you should squish the character and then do the cartoony accordion effect when the anvil gets off of them where they squish unsquish repeatedly.

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I thought about it but I don’t want to make the game cartoony.

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Then you pretty much have to not do this idea. The cartoony part is what saves you from having massive problems with Roblox. ESRB wise you can get away with cartoon violence as being more of a Teen thing versus proper death via guns is always Mature.

But like I said, nobody dies or is harmed. You aim the gun into the air, pull the trigger and if it goes off you lose.

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I’ve tried that. like @RVVZ said. They sent a link to the TOS, i was dying on my seat all from a question I asked of them

Ok so ive been following this discussion for the while, and it seems like you got what you wanted right? You created a non suicidal RR type game that followed the requirements of the roblox ToS. So now… why is’nt the thread closed? Is there still something you want answered? (also sorry if this post looks harsh i’m in no way trying to be mean, just wondering if there are still parts left unanswered)


Is there ways to alternate suicidal content on roblox? Without getting emailed the ToS every time you reach out tot roblox?

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It seems like Roblox will only interpret the TOS/Community Guidelines upon moderation as it must be done by a case by case basis on each offence. If they tell you somethings allowed but then another moderator bans someone for it there’s a problem. It’d just be best, like I said in one of my original posts to make sure you’re not in breach of the rules at all.


Thank you to everyone who has helped on this thread, It has been much appreciated. I think all I can do is to just make it so no one gets hurt (the gun just aims in the air and if you fire it you’re out), and the same concepts of Russian Roulette follow. Although it represents Russian Roulette immediately, having it cartoony for me isn’t that fun and many people I asked said they like it not cartoony. It would be nonsense if ROBLOX disallowed it considering games like Breaking Point allow you shoot another player of your choice (execution), while this game is practically just a demonstration that has no violence involved.

Sorry if the thread was very long, I was mainly from a certain point just viewing ideas from the community on how to keep the game safe and fun.


Glad to see that you sorted it out somehow. Good luck with the game!


Place players on a platform and a large device of some form in the middle. It periodically stops spinning, and may or may not release a wave of force that knocks any players in its path off.

Basically the same concept but not sketchy at all.

I think RV has already decided how he will accomplish this :wink:

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