Alternatives to Discord Webhooks?

Hello there,

I am currently using Discord webhooks to log any purchases and any errors I get as I find this information quite helpful, however, as you might know Discord webhooks have a limit of 30 Messages/60s iirc.

Currently, I am making sure I do not go beyond this limit and my projects are pretty small but I was wondering whether there are other applications or something else that I can do in order to get rid of this limit.

Is there an alternative to Discord Webhooks for this?

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You can try using google sheets or trello. I think Trello also has rate limits though. Sentry is made for these kinds of things but it’s not free.

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You could try using Trello to make a list of all the reports sent to one Trello board.

This post might help you: Roblox to Trello Guide

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I’d recommend you to use an actual logs service, not google sheets and not trello.
I can’t name you any but I know free ones exist.


@Amiaa16 Thank you for your input, I will do some research.

@Zephyr_42 @KeyboardCombination Thanks a bunch for the suggestions. Could you kindly confirm whether Trello comes with limits and whether it’s better than Discord for these purposes please (and why) please?

I believe in the forum posts it says if it has limits or not.

I didn’t find any specific reference to limits on that post however I searched a bit and found that it is 300 requests per 10 seconds for each api key which seems to be much better than Discord Webhooks.

You can make your own webhook endpoint, and log the purchases there. If you want to see the purchases in discord as well, you can make a bot that sends the purchase informations to your discord server. Bots are also limited by 30 messages / 60 seconds, so you may have to summerise the information when sending to your discord (e.g. Total Number of Purchases in past hour, Total Estimated Robux Gain, etc. - you can do ton’s with a bit of creativity :smiley: )

Sentry. It’s a dedicated error monitoring platform and I highly suggest you use it. If you have the GitHub student pack you can get 500K events/month (events are instances of data sent, be it an error or anything else), unlimited projects and members assigned to that project. I’d settle for no less unless there’s free options out there that have all the tooling I need.

Sentry does not have Lua support out-of-the-box, so you will need to follow a resource in order to get it running with your Roblox projects. There’s a tutorial for doing so that you can read up on:

Sheets isn’t adequate enough to log whole errors and messages externally but rather for minor projects and small pieces of data and Trello is inadequate in so many ways for this purpose including its slow speeds and the fact that it isn’t meant to be used as a logger or database.


Hmm thank you :slight_smile: I will check it out.

I did some more research and I found this :

It also works with events and it’s free apparently. I haven’t tried it out yet though.

Also comes with events

I use gameanalytics. it’s completely free to use, no limits I can think of, tracks Monetization and errors that occur, and more! It’s completely free and easy to use. It even tracks live stats and how many players join. They even have a dedicated guide on Roblox games.


Interesting, I will make sure to check out all of these when I am free. Thank you :slight_smile:

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I forgot to mention, you can convert Robux to USD using that site.

If you just want error tracking, GameAnalytics is the best way to go hands down. Completely free and it’s made for error tracking. It also tracks player data like average play length, and you can use it to track resource purchases for your in-game currencies.

I use it in my game. It automatically logs server errors and you can make your own custom erorr events. The Roblox SDK is incredibly easy to integrate.

You could make a sql database that logs it. It is much more complicated to setup, because it requires you to have a SQLDataBase and make an API for it, which you can find online. With SQLDatabases, you don’t have a limit, since it’s your own database and you can customize how you want it to be. It is hard to setup though, so using a platform with webhooks might be better for you, since it takes a lot of time to set it up.

Indeed, GameAnalytics seems pretty cool as it’s kind of like an IoT Platform not just logging. I will check it out when I have time. Thank you :slight_smile:

@UkrainianDeveloper I would do that cause In my opinion the best way to do things is to do them yourself but I have little experience with SQL :frowning:

Here is an interesting post by @JakyeRU. You can set up a SQL Database using this. I couldn’t set it up myself, because it requires time, so do this if you have some time.