Alternatives to “suicidal” content

Gambling is well defined in the TOS but I’m not sure where exactly they have this information. I’ll explain it at the end of my post. I’d say “indirect reference to suicide” is pretty self explanatory. Don’t try to make references to self harm. If the game is a silly version of something (kid friendly) and doesn’t include any implied meaning it’s fine. All you have to do is think about how people are going to react to something.

(It also means you can’t make references to real world gambling)
Gambling on Roblox (more specifically chance based rewards/losses) must follow certain rules if influenced by Robux. You must supply the player with accurate chance information. If you have a 30% chance of losing your money you have to state this in an obvious location (you can’t hide it away). You must state a chance for every reward or loss. If you can’t define a chance for one of these, it’s against TOS simple as that.

Powerups and “boosters” would not fall under this for the simple reason that their chance is based on the player’s own skill. Heavily skill based loss/reward isn’t gambling. Players must have a relatively fair chance among each other. You can’t make a super hard “skill based” game if the player’s skill isn’t the main factor in their success (how fast the player can click on something, or how accurately the player can click on something are examples of non skill based play).


I agree. This idea makes it more kid friendly, where instead of viewing other’s people’s deaths, they’re frozen by some sort of advanced, futuristic ice ray gun. It’s the same concept, aside from the the fact that people are dying (only frozen and unable to play). Good idea @PurpSinister :+1:t3:


Even if I made it so it’s a toy gun with a text to speech voice saying “Oh no! You lost! But don’t worry, your character is perfectly fine and you’ll be able to take part next round.” they’d probably just delete my account for attempting lol.

Also it can’t be anything to do with a dark atmosphere and a table due to breaking point having that (Although I planned several different mint maps) and allowing you to vote to execute other players. But even he had lots of trouble with roblox, he probably got a mod that wasn’t biased on personal opinion eventually who accepted it.

It could be just because of the advanced system of loading the gun and attention to detail that makes the concept stand out, and removing that is just straight up RNG and very boring.

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As much as I love your game’s idea, I think it’s another “Ro-Bio” situation where it simply won’t be allowed by moderators. With Breaking Point, it’s like a game of Mafia with modifiers. Sure, it involves guns, but it is played in a circle in real life. (Without actual weapons, of course.)


Well, try too hard and people will notice something’s up. The trick is subtlety. If your game doesn’t imply bad things there’s no reason to act like it does to cover yourself.

The case of Ro-Bio is that it was banned for being to violent/disturbing. Attempting to make the same thing but “safer” doesn’t work because you’re basing it off of something purposely disturbing and trying to shield yourself so much that it’s just obvious.


I’m honestly surprised your game got taken down. I felt the way you made the player shoot the air, and they just get like scared and leave the game was a neat way to circumvent the dying aspect. But like everyone said, I think the ultimate problem is your game relies on Russian Roulette too closely, and therefore it won’t be allowed for fear that this game will “make kids actually try real life Russian Roulette.”

Slippery Slope Fallacy galore.
It’s funny when you think of it though that just about every mini-game has a “stand on one of 6 colored platforms, and we delete one, and if you’re on it you fall in Lava/Acid/etc” and we don’t see that as being basically Russian Roulette. There, you have a choice, but still it’s a random chance if you die.


So when we said five months ago that anything resembling - even slightly - a suicidal act would very likely be reported on, and in addition even suggested alternative ideas, you didn’t listen and had your work reported and removed from the platform.

And you have the audacity to complain that the moderation team is being unfair to you?


I know right! There were a ton of amazing suggestions given and it’s kinda sad that they were ignored/argued against by OP… Well it’s a pity that he ignored them and now is blaming the moderation for his ignorance…


Same, I’m on the side of the moderation here. Can you imagine the parenting article hot-takes that would have happened if this game went mainstream. Roblox Suicide Pact would be an eyecatching headline for sure.

It’s a shame though since the 700 concurrents + top rating shows that people enjoyed the game. Maybe if in the future Roblox expands to older audiences and adds more age based filters, developers will get more freedom to make darker content.


Again, I stopped working on this 5 months ago after I posted this thread. It was literally open for about 3 months and it recently somehow blew up. I’m not overly bothered that it got taken down really because I planned to keep it lowkey anyways.

I still don’t understand how not even killing yourself but hinting a game that most kids don’t even know about is worse than voting to execute people and voting in people to stab each other to death with the same dark atmosphere (Again I am not hating on this game at all I’m just stating that it is biased of you to criticise mine when it clearly isn’t a first on the platform)

5,333 people were fine with the game and 615 people didn’t, adding on that you’ll always get dislikers. In my server everyone is suggesting things like the “gun is switched to nerf gun” which shows that they don’t think that it has anything to do with russian roulette.

My Horror game the Rake features an NPC that runs arounds and mauls you to death. That is violence, that has blood, that has a “dark theme to it”. It shares the horror genre which is an option when making a game.

I am not hating on ROBLOX mods but complaining about the moderation notes they provide which aren’t very helpful for developers in my situation, and if I did want to ask them about it and what specifically I’m doing wrong I couldn’t, because even if everyone here thinks the game is okay, it is still up to ROBLOX moderation which is why it would make my life so much easier if I could have spoken to the people who decide on what is appropriate and what isn’t appropriate how I could’ve made this appropriate. Not that I’m being salty it got taken down you are assuming that, because I am not.

I really don’t see how speaking an opinion and trying to understand why it was taken down and what about it ROBLOX specifically didn’t like. The whole point I made this thread was because I wasn’t sure on how I could make this project work while keeping the very thing about it which makes it cool and enjoyable.

If you think I am being ignorant or hating on moderation then sorry because I am not meaning to make it look like that.


yeah when it comes to horror and blood i have seen the moderation department to be very inconsistent game to game (not trying to hate)

hopefully that will change with the moderation overhaul


You’re right in that moderation in general can be vague, and I’m certain there are many suggestions in feedback threads suggesting improvements that you can go and support.


This is the ignorance we’re all talking about, intentional or not. We’ve said why and what about it many times.

Suicidal acts (or representations thereof) are different than horror games.

A mod doesn’t have to come to this thread just put their Stamp of Disapproval on it to make official. Your game being deleted should be enough to infer an answer to.


Technically it isn’t a realistic representation of suicide, firing a gun upwards wouldn’t harm the shooter although it could hit a near by flying object.


The game is a representation of Russian Roulette. People know that, people see that. It’s clearly implied by the developer, and the game is clearly being recognized that way by users.


I can see the main reason it isn’t allowed is due to Russian Roulette, but if you look at the game, you can see that it doesn’t need to be completely destroyed and remade from scratch to remove that ideology.

For example, if I switched it to something similar to wink murder ( a party game in which a secretly selected player is able to “kill” others by winking at them, while the surviving players try to identify the killer). That can still be seen as not being sure of what will happen, and somewhat gambling of life, wouldn’t that be still allowed?

I just read this back and realised how similar it is to breaking point, but you get what I mean by being able to switch it up like that

Your example doesn’t seem to have anything to do with suicide, or implications of it. If it’s not apparent to you, self-harm is the main contention with Russian Roulette and similar games, and why they are not appropriate.


It’s not just about kids.

From what I can tell, the game doesn’t have a warning about the content. A lot of people would find anything related to suicide massively triggering. Not triggering as in the memes of feminists getting mad, but people with real mental health problems getting panic attacks, etc, because of the game.

Roblox aims to be inclusive as family friendly as possible, which also means that they must think about the people the games could affect.

Another issue about the game is the press. Roblox already has loads of bad articles about it, and this wouldn’t help at all.


If that genuinely happens then it is a problem with them and not the game


Agreed, they could just leave and not play it. I could see why RVVZ’s game got shutdown, but I think the punishment was a bit extreme. A warning from the ROBLOX Team would’ve helped so he could be aware of it. Also again, when someone joined and played the game, it’s obvious what the concept of the game was about. So I’m not taking any sides or anything.


My point is that the game didn’t have a content warning of any kind and I was just pointing out why that is a problem

We told the OP months ago why he shouldn’t have made this game. It wasn’t a harsh punishment. The game was clearly based on Russian roulette which isn’t allowed on Roblox.