Altitude / Height in KM

I couldnt find a good answer on the devforum about this, so ill ask myself.

How would I get the altitude in KM from a number with 1 decimal point (like 1.4)?

This below is not accurate at all.
roundNumber(HeightS, 1) round the height a number with 1 decimal point

      local HeightS = Part.Value.Position.Y
      local AltKM = roundNumber(HeightS, 1) * 20000

multiply it by 20000 first, then round, instead of the other way around

Ill try, I hope it will work.

damn 30 cr limit sucks

I dont think thats right…

I think multiplying by 20000 is the problem here

oh, what should i multiply it with then?

also if wanna know why im trying to do this, well:

If I remember correctly a “meter” should be 3.571 roblox studs

Alright, now im thinking what to multiply it with… Oh yes, km, lemme get a calculator.

so uh, i guess this, or am i dumb?

Yea, but I think you need to divide instead of multiply

Alright, ill test soon since im clearing water right now. And my cpu is burning at 97C (im serious)

oh, ill test that tho soon then!

yeah i think thats very accurate

In game settings > world roblox has the official conversion

Yeah ive always seen that, never understood that. Im not good at math lol.

And also, it seems to work, dividing like u said.

looks pretty cool, gl with your game experience

Ah its not a game, its just some roblox space company im working on, if you want I can give you my discord tag if you want to join the server for it!

Ah man, you changed it to experience!!! :sweat:
