Am I able to use WW2 german gear/clothing?

Hello fellow developers. I’m working on a game and I want to feature german ww2 clothing/gear in my game (doesn’t fully relate to ww2), and I want to know if I’m able to use certain stuff, such as german clothing (no armbands/symbols), helmets, gear, etc. Should I try to stay away from this, limit what I’m using, or should I be okay? I know there are some topics about this, but I want opinions with this specific gear/clothing.
Some images of what I’m wanting to use.


It is a huge gray area. I know of a few people and groups that have been moderated for featuring anything in relation to WW2 Germany. To be on the safer side, I’d put a spin on the uniforms as you said yourself, the experience doesn’t fully relate to the events of the war.


I’d stay away from the eagle symbol on the helmets and uniforms, but it’s honestly probably fine. Make sure you don’t mistakenly get yourself moderated with internal asset names that players don’t even see. If you saved the helmet as “WehrmachtHelmetSilver” internally, you’d be more likely to get moderated (and rightfully so), even if you never call it that in-game to players.

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If you do without symbols, then I think it’s quite

you might be able to, depending if you feature symbols