Hey everyone, this probably is the wrong place to post this, but I cannot post in #discussion so this place is a close alternative.
When reading the Roblox Terms of Service, I cannot giveaway Roblox currency (robux) digital goods (limited) or game codes. Does this mean that I cannot give away virtual currency in my game? Such as Coins for example?
I see popular games doing contests, such as Whoever makes the best recreation of this part of the map will receive 100,000 credits + their creation put into the game! Is this allowed?
It’s your game, you can do what you want in it. You just can’t offer to give players things you physically can’t (Robux, adding items to their inventory from the catalogue, etc.).
Plenty of games have free stuff that players can claim (such as Twitter codes, rewards for winning, etc.).
Yes, as long as it’s your gane game or have permissions from the owner you can, no robux unless it’s a robux card and it’s your game. It has to be friends only as well. So yes you can.