Am I allowed to host a roblox card giveaway on discord?

Am I allowed to host a roblox card giveaway on discord?

Im interested in hosting a giveaway for a game in order to help engage and bring more users to game.

I have ironed out the details, I just am unsure if it’s breaking TOS, I’ve read a few threads on dev forum but still seems unclear to me.

Id be hosting it entirely though my discord channel, and everyone can enter for free.

Anyone know if this is allowed?

My gut instinct is to just not do it, don’t wanna get banned haha. So has anyone done them without getting banned? Or they allowed?

this is under the wrong category man

Rip how’d I even do that. Alas, poor mobile.

So discord would be okay as long as I stay away from hosting it through ROBLOX and keep it out of game. Discord will only be where the giveaway will be hosted I guess.

Well giftcards are for… giving. I don’t see why not unless discord specifically says no

True, just confused I guess.

TOS seemed odd when I read it, but it’s clearer now.

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