Am I allowed to make a 1-life game that includes purchasable things?

So, I’m thinking about making a game, where when you die, you’re done. Can’t play anymore on your account. But if I make it like that, am I allowed to add purchasables for robux? I’m not talking about some cash-grab thing, but some dlc or early access content or some items that are aquireable without paying etc.

I’m wondering this, because if you spend money on the game and die, you are essentially banned. Is that something I’m allowed to do?


I do believe this is allowed, but you better make an obvious statement so the public doesn’t think you’re scamming. You force the player into acknowledging the contract everytime they join. Else, they won’t be able to play.

I don’t know why you came up with this though, because objectives are learned through failing.


I mean it shouldn’t be not allowed as long as you make sure you notify the user, but yeah getting banned from the game because you failed is a bad strategy in general.

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  1. Allowed, if you notify user about that. And they READ and AGREE to that.
  2. Why not reset their data instead of permaban? Like creating alt account just to try again…
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I imagine that the like/dislike ratio will be abyssal.

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I dare you to make the game paid access and state this at the bottom of the description lmao

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