Ok, so I am wanting to make a build like City Walk, If anyone’s curious, It’s an actual shopping place in Dubai which is mainly outdoors, but Here is the picture in the indoor part.
but I am wanting to make a build like that. but I am worried about the issues it can occur. I will copy the place names but write it in Russian and Greek [they both look close to English but isn’t], I would also make it very similar
Is it a problem to make a build based on a real place?
As far as I am aware, there should be no issues with doing so. Note that using real brand names isn’t something that you should do, so consider using fictional brand names.
It’s totally fine to do that if you don’t put real people in it or it’s a place something “wrong” happened (I don’t know what word to use). Like the World Trade Center. For this, it’d be fine.
I won’t do any of these, It’s actually in Dubai which is a city where it’s very common for disasters to happen [considering the fact that the behind the scenes is where people from Bangladesh and Nepal are forced to live in Dubai and aren’t paid for working], but I’m doing City Walk, where no disasters happen