Hey! so I wanna know am I able to get user’s guild role, discord username, discord id, discord banner color (etc) on roblox?
I am creating a module that gets discord information through player’s roblox userid and gets roblox information through discord id, even can get user’s guild roles and permissions.
Module is almost done, so before publishing it to community resources am I allowed to do that?
Heres the website (WIP)
I am using glitch as host for now.
You should read discord’s policies, in case you want to display stuff you get from discord avoid that because discord names don’t go through roblox’s filer and username#discriminator is censored by the chat filter. I made something like this (take a look at it to get the idea) a while ago, discord’s policies weren’t very clear and so (without any result) I tried contacting discord’s support and guess what…bot answers so I just kept it online since it wasn’t sharing any data if not presence in a server but since api endpoints exist I’d assume you can.