Am I allowed to put a link to the Bulletin Board in my game's desc?

What are you attempting to achieve?
I want my players to know about the written tutorial I posted in Bulletin Board on how to play my game.

What is the issue?
I’m worried it might not be permitted even though it’s Roblox-related. As far as I remember, only links to Roblox itself, YouTube, Twitter, and Twitch are allowed.

What solutions have you tried so far?
I’ve seen other games with links to the devforum in general, so I’d assume it’s permitted. However, I’m playing it safe as usual and asking here.

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It’s allowed, but it often gets filtered. It’s worth a shot, though.

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I have a method to make the link to devforum posts less likely to filter. Take this post’s URL for example

but remove the name of the post within the url and replace it with “music”

for some reason this prevents the devforum link from being filtered in most cases, so you can post it on your game or group’s description.


“Music” is interesting though. I think I remember someone starting a thread on words in chat being replaced with music. Does anyone know more about this?

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It’s everywhere… Numbers get filtered (sometimes?) so I think it is a way of getting around that!


remove the https and just do [LINK]


It’s to let people use the admin command for playing sounds, like :music 1234567890. Using ‘song’ or ‘sound’ also works, so I’ve heard.

The player.Chatted event would fire regardless of whether this behavior existed or not still passing the message with unfiltered text meaning that admin command scripts would be unaffected, at the moment it’s just a bypass everyone is using but no one knows why.

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Sounds pretty specific

I reckon in general attempts to use any kind of item (or music) ID in chat is not filtered as far as possible to prevent admin commands via chat from malfunctioning but also to have users recommend assets or other kind of Roblox IDs. Also @General_Scripter admin commands via GUIs do not really benefit, all input there is filtered as well.

On topic; the bulletin board exists for several purposes, one of which is replacing the old forum for posting a link to a thread for announcements.