Am I allowed to revamp an old existing Roblox game?

I was curious if I was allowed to recreate Apocalypse Rising 1 without using any of it’s assets from the toolbox or acquiring it from other sources. All assets would be made by me, the title of the game would be different (probably a spin-off title), however all the core mechanics from Apoc 1 would be identical such as the inventory, pick up, GUI, Gun and Melee systems but still recreated by me in my own way.
I’m essentially wanting to do this to recreate a good revamp/reboot of Apoc 1 (pretty much the Apoc 2 all the OGs wanted).
I’m mostly curious if this is a matter that would be looked over by Roblox or a matter that requires permission from Gusmanak (creator of Apoc 1).
Best Regards!


Roblox probably won’t take action themselves, but Gumanak can if you don’t ask for permission from them.


nothing can happen unless you use assets from apocalypse rising

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