As I understand, when Roblox Xbox was first released, Xbox players were put into Xbox-only servers. This changed a year or so ago, and since then, all platforms connect to the same servers and players can intermingle. However, recently, Roblox has made it clear that Xbox players are not allowed to chat and view chat messages from other players. Given this, and since I do not want a bunch of mute Xbox players to fill into a server containing PC and mobile players who can chat, ruining potential for fun conversations during gameplay, I’ve decided that it is best to segregate Xbox and non-Xbox players. I can do this easily because my game centers around Universes and custom server matchmaking, so I can simply identify Xbox players and queue them in their own servers.
My question is, is this practice of segregating Xbox users allowed? I know Roblox doesn’t want Xbox players to be treated differently by developers, but since Xbox players straight up cannot chat, I feel that it is justified.
Based on what Seranok said a while back, segregating players (when appropriate) is allowed, but you should do it based on input type, not device type (since e.g. Xbox users can use a keyboard/mouse).
If you would like to separate players, this is acceptable. Reiterating what @Seranok said in his post, I recommend splitting your players by input-type rather than the platform itself.
This will cause a couple of inconsistencies as Xbox now allows KB/M input, and PC/Mobile users could potentially be using Gamepads (I am not currently aware of the % of users for either case). My hunch is that it’s rather low for either case.
We do want to support Text Chat on Xbox and have noted that this is a pain point for all of you.
Please let me know if you have any questions or further concerns.
I dont really see how this could be a problem, what you are essentially doing is seperating players based on console which is understandable because of the lack of ability one console may offer then another.
As @nsgriff stated above their are more effective ways of splitting up your players. Though in my opinion you might even want to consider creating just different game modes and allowing the player to have the option of picking how they would like to play themselves. That way the player can still play with his friends and such.