Am I allowed to use this character?

So Roblox recently updated their community rules, and I found this in on the of the points:

You see, I have this character called ‘Fairy’, who is very popular among players and viewers…

Just wondering if that pushes the boundary too much? He is after all meant to be a funny/humerous character, plus uses clothes, pants, etc approved by Roblox.

I’d hate to see him go - he’s been a favourite character over the years!


I think you should be alright, if I’m wrong Roblox should email you or message you on the site asking you to change or remove the character.


I hope so, I’d hate to have a game taken down to find it was something as minor as this

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At most they will give you a warning or your game will be shut until you fix the issue.

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That could be disastrous if someone poured a ton of R$ into advertising a few hours/days or so prior

If it was inappropriate, all swimsuit clothing uploaded on Roblox would be moderated, right?

Roblox iterates on its moderation policies over time, so that my not be the case. In fact:

@OP If you have to ask then the answer is no, and this goes for anyone who has similar questions in the future. Instead of walking the line, just adapt without sacrificing your asset’s intended purpose – it’s really not that hard. In this case, OP can keep the character and maintain its humor by using clothing that’s not borderline but is still funny:

Fairy.rbxm (27.5 KB)


tbh yeah this looks better, and is more funny lol

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Crud. I have a beach game I’m working on. Does that mean nobody can wear bathing suits anymore? That would kind of suck for me since I went out of my way to find some for it.

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Haha, thanks for sharing. I understand the reasons behind changing, but the character’s been part of our videos and games for years now, so in an ideal world, we would really not want to change his renown look.

Also, could you give a brief overview of the page, as I ‘don’t have access to that topic’, thanks.

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A user uploaded a bikini, and it was declined. They requested that it be accepted because bikinis had been accepted in the past, but then the older one they linked was deleted as well. Staff response:

Alright, I’ll have a look into updating his look, thanks.