I am a better scripter than I am a programmer, but I have been working on building structures on my map instead of hiring others to build for me. Unfortunately I feel like the buildings I make are too blocky and amateur when placed in the map, especially in comparison to the meshes and other free model assets I am using.
I am truly unsure of whether I should continue building structures for my map or hire someone else to do that.
The buildings actually look very good in my opinion, but I agree that they don’t fit in as much. I feel like this is due to both 1. The builds are more blocky in comparison to the realistic landscape, and 2. The sharper lighting and textures on the builds feel somewhat out of place with the softer forest background. I feel like either making the background less realistic or the builds more realistic could potentially fix it.
It’s completely up to you if you want to hire someone, but I’d personally recommend seeing what you can improve on your own, and getting a feel for the style that you want for the buildings. There are many references out there, and many tutorials and other posts about building. Overall, I’d just give it some more thought before making a final decision.