The animation priority is Action4. Animation is loaded on a client script. The tool is 90° to the lower torso in the animation editor, but not in the game.

The animation priority is Action4. Animation is loaded on a client script. The tool is 90° to the lower torso in the animation editor, but not in the game.
Maybe you can try adjust the animation weight ? I’m not sure if it’s going to works tho
It didn’t work, I also used math.huge
(it looked better, but still not the same)
Try setting the priority of the animation to a higher level (Action 1, Action 2, etc) and see if it works
It’s already at Action4. I feel like Roblox is keeping the animation from breaking joints apart
Try adding/adjusting the fading time to see if that reduces the choppiness (Using Play(fadingtime)).
It doesn’t work, 0 makes it snap back to the idle animation while 1 makes it slow. I guess I need to adjust the animation itself.
One is excessive; consider 0.15 or a value less than one but not less than 0.1.
It is possible that other animations are the source of the issue, though I genuinely have no idea why this is happening
The idle animation had the same priority as the slash animation. Since it was running on a loop, the slash animation transitions to the idle animation on the end, hence why it’s doing that
It is great to know that other animations were the problem, because sometimes the problems can be with the animation itself and you would have to remake it entirely.
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