Alright so I’m playing around with the new audio API, and wired an AudioEmitter inside of a part directly to the AudioDeviceInput object inside of my player. This correctly plays my voice through the emitter, and the audio stream comes from the part.
When I create an AudioListener object and place it into a microphone part, it just doesn’t pick up the audio stream coming from the AudioEmitter in my character:
This is the script updating the TextLabel in the BillboardGui:
local gui = script.Parent
local label = gui.TextLabel
local analyzer = gui.Parent.AudioAnalyzer
while (true) do
label.Text = string.format("Volume: %05.2f", analyzer.RmsLevel)
The analyzer detects no audio stream whatsoever.
Both the AudioListener in the mic part and the AudioEmitter in my character have the same AudioInteractionGroup:
Am I missing something? The wiring is correct, because the SourceInstance properties of the AudioEmitters are set to the AudioListener, and their TargetInstance is set to themselves of course.
So I’m lost. Anyone know if this is a bug or am I just doing it completely wrong?