I would make the builders have 25% of the game revenue (not individually), then raise the scripter’s to 30%. That should create a good balance.
If it those thing 35% is way to much I get that scripture brings the game to life but the scripter only script the currency vehicles and more basic stuff
Well he also scripts houses shops GUI and more
Thank you guys though I am done
All of what I’m about to say are opinions based on my 10 years on roblox, 6 years of hiring and working with development teams, and my own experiences being commissioned as a scripter/builder/everything else.
As a general rule, the scripter receives a significant higher amount than any other team member. Assuming you’re working with a competent scripter, they’ll be doing the most work no matter how you look at it, both from a mentally-taxing perspective and time involved perspective. Along with this, they are the highest demand/lowest supply of all current roblox roles.
Increasingly, builders are receiving lower and lower amounts of payment, since the term “builder” is more accurately becoming “world builder,” and much of the builder role becoming 3d modeler. World building on roblox is typically a one time thing, or slightly more than that depending on the game. For this reason, the builder should be making no more than, if not less, than the modeler.
Animators getting a % is quite rare. Usually, on roblox, animators are hired on an as-needed basis, via commissions. Massive games like Vesteria, for example, this is untrue for. However, for the vast majority of roblox games, this is the reality.
All of that being said, assuming it were me hiring a team, and assuming the team consisted of 1 of each of the 4 roles you mentioned in your original post, and assuming I wasn’t giving any extra to a team lead or ads or whatever, my rates would be this:
Scripter: 55%
Builders: 15%
3D Modelers: 30%
Animators: Commissioned
But, as others have stated, context matters. These aren’t hard and fast rates, just a general guideline, again, based on my experience.
Depends of what game it is yea games like vesteria they have a whole lot of scripts in there but and your suggestion of percentages is great but this is a role play game it have basic mechanics like a currency and vehicles while the builders have to build Hughes maps