Note: please tell me if I am in the wrong category. I am not the smartest guy. Nor am I a adult so please be patient with me.
I have been scripting for about 1-2 years. I know a decent amount of stuff and I can understand a decent amount of coding concepts. I feel like I am ready to take on some commissions as I feel like making games would be too advanced for me and I am pretty tired of just making projects. When I look in the talent hub jobs, discord hiring chats ETC… I feel overwhelmed. I look at some of these things and I feel like I am just a beginner again. I try to make some things that were in the job applications, but I feel like I am missing something. Should I apply for these jobs that would take a long time and be something that I absolutely don’t know what to do that would pay for 500 robux? Or should I just do the things that I would think I am good or confident at. I know a good amount of scripting. I just feel like I am missing the bit point here. Can you guys help me with this. Any advice or ways I should take this?