I’ve done some other stuff, but I didn’t feel as if it was good enough.
If you do believe that this is good enough, where do you believe I should start? (Big projects, small, etc.)
Hi there these builds look pretty nice, though they’re on the simplistic side. In my opinion these builds are pretty prosaic. I would suggest developing your building style, and skills as a modeler before opening commissions to the public. If you feel ready to start opening comissions, try selling things on the public asset marketplace in public collaboration, or posting a portfolio also in public collaboration.
These different kind of builds you’ve made, are very well done they each have a great styles to them and i can see you. Are going to be making comissions very soon! However regarding where should you start i would try doing small, projects such as the ones you have right know you could possible be doing a lot of small. Builds for other people such as the following weapons, houses, low poly trees, medieval siege set, low poly plants, restaurant, ect. I feel these are the kind of small projects you should start with, and then once you do the small projects and. Improve your building skills a lot more then you could, start opening comissions for (Big Projects) and then you could possible start selling your creations! In the marketplace as that will help you a lot more, with working on big projects and making different. Kind of comissions for other people overall that is what i’ll start i’ll do small comissions, first and then you could move up to big projects, when you improve your skills more as well! Another way you could do comissions is making. Low poly trees and shrubs and selling them as, a whole pack with different kind of trees and! Other nature plants!!
Overall, this is what i’ll start at by doing small comissions for other people. And then once you improve your building styles more and more then it’s time for you to be doing massive comissions for people such as maps, big projects, ect. Try doing small projects first and you’ll mostly, be making a bunch of other things very soon! Anyways try looking for relatively short-term work nothing to massive (full-games or big projects) only if you plan, on doing that and then once you build other creations you should start. Selling them such as houses, tree packs, tools, weapons, ect. Those are some of the following i’ll start, at it will really improve your building skills, as a modeler yourself anyways you have some! Decent builds here hope you get comissions very soon. And hopefully make a portfolio showcasing examples all of your recent work.
And as (@EvenFeathersFall) said you could possible open a. Portfolio with examples of all your work that is another you could start, comissions by building small projects, builds for other people.
These are pretty simple builds; they look pretty good. You should still develop your skills more before going into map building or big projects, but you can sell small assets in the #public-collaboration:public-asset-marketplace.