Am I removing references correctly (so they can be gc'd later)?

Hello, and a Happy New Year!

I have this code, which creates a table for each player, referencing a server-sided object and whether or not the player has completed said task (that part isn’t really relevant).

		Creates references to the created task
		object and it's completion status.

		@returns N/A
function TaskService:CreatePlayerTasks( player )
	player = player.instance or player

	--? This player already has tasks created.
	if (self.players[player]) then

	self.players[player] = {}

	for _, task in next, self.tasks.main do
		table.insert(self.players[player], {
			task = task;
			hasCompletedTask = false;
	end += #self.players[player]

		Clears references to the task objects
		so they can be GC'd properly later.

		@returns N/A
function TaskService:ClearPlayerTasks( player )
	--? This player has no tasks.
	if (not self.players[player]) then
	end -= #self.players[player]
	self.players[player] = {}

In the :ClearPlayerTasks() method, I’m setting self.players[player] to nil. Will that allow the objects created to be garbage collected later to avoid a memory leak, or do I first have to loop through the table and then set task to nil first?

And how would I properly destroy an object using a :Destroy() method in it?