Working on a 1:1 recreation of a game called “Noobs Vs Zombies: Relish Reborn” if I made it. Anyway, wondering if I am sanity checking correctly since whenever I tried changing the Ammo_Hold attribute, it kept saying "It's valid.".
local Tool = script.Parent
local FireEvent = Tool:WaitForChild("FireEvent")
local AmmoHold = Tool:GetAttribute("Ammo_Hold")
local AmmoContain = Tool:GetAttribute("Ammo_Contain")
local Cooldown = Tool:GetAttribute("Cooldown")
--Getting player's mouse
local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local Mouse = Player:GetMouse()
--Firing the weapon.
local CD = false
if not CD then
CD = true
if AmmoHold < AmmoContain then
Tool:SetAttribute("Ammo_Hold", Tool:GetAttribute("Ammo_Hold") - 1)
CD = false
local Tool = script.Parent
local FireEvent = Tool:WaitForChild("FireEvent")
local AmmoHold = Tool:GetAttribute("Ammo_Hold")
local AmmoContain = Tool:GetAttribute("Ammo_Contain")
local Cooldown = Tool:GetAttribute("Cooldown")
FireEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, MouseHit)
--//Sanity Checking
if (AmmoHold < AmmoContain) then
print("It's valid.")
Tool:SetAttribute("Ammo_Hold", Tool:GetAttribute("Ammo_Hold") - 1)
print("Not valid. Stop hacking, cheater.")
I wouldn’t assume cheating off the back of this specifically, just in-case you have plans on using it as an exploit detection method. There will be a certain amount of latency between ‘shooting’, firing the event, adjusting the attribute, then having it replicate to the client again. It’s very possible they click twice during that time (if the cooldown is short), which means your script will print ‘Stop hacking, cheater’ when they aren’t.
The variable AmmoHold is just the value that the attribute had when you called GetAttribute. Calling SetAttribute doesn’t update that value, you need to get the new value again.
Yeah kinda like that, but no need to wrap things in parenthesis. You can also simplify it a little; The Ammo_Contain isn’t going to change (magazine size right?), so you can get that outside of the event. Also only need to call GetAttribute one time if you know the value isn’t going to change, like this
local ammoContain = Tool:GetAttribute("Ammo_Contain")
FireEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, MouseHit)
local ammoHold = Tool:GetAttribute("Ammo_Hold")
--//Sanity Checking
if ammoHold <= ammoContain then
print("It's valid.")
Tool:SetAttribute("Ammo_Hold", ammoHold - 1)
else -- No need to elseif unless you're chaining a bunch of conditions. Either they have ammo or they don't here.
print("Not valid. Stop hacking, cheater.")