Hi, I want to know if it’s even worth creating a game if my previous 4 devex attempts have been rejected.
This was because my robux came from commissions and roblox wouldn’t let me devex the money because it didn’t directly come from asset sales and my robux was ‘dirty’. The robux I got from commissions were paid in T-Shirts.
Would it be possible to devex again if I actually have earned robux that came from 100% gamepasses and dev products from a game in a group that I’m making with my friend if he pays me through group payout?
Or will it get rejected with them knowing that I have a history of 4 rejections?
Oh you still have not received any info from roblox about this umm…
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Nope, never got a reply back from them. I wish they wouldn’t just reply and leave you with an automated response. Why can’t we just speak to a human these days.
I think you might be okay because I’ve seen certain instances where people had a few rejections but still was able to DevEx in the future. But that was a while ago. I don’t know if they changed that system. Good luck.
Roblox is rejecting your DevEx because they have believed thoss robux have not been earned as how they expect it. They expect you to earn those robux from a game, premium payouts, gamepasses from the game, etc.
And yes, you most likely will be able to dev ex again.