Am I using CFrame.Angles incorrectly?

I’m trying to create a wanted poster system where you can click on a wall to set a posters position and rotation, however the output for the CFrame:ToEulerAnglesXYZ() doesn’t seem correct? Is there a better way to do this?

Is it supposed to rotate to sit flat on the surface clicked?

So I have it where you rotate the item on the client, and when you click it sets the rotation value. I couldn’t figure out how to make the poster sit flag on a surface thats clicked, so instead I made it where the player would have to rotate it themselves.

It’s radians. -3.14 is the same as -180 degrees.

Are you familiar with raycasting? If you can cast a ray from the camera to the mouse position, you can get the surface normal and then automatically rotate the poster from that. I can walk you through the rotation bit if you get the raycasting working.