Am unable to find a part inside serverStorage with script

I hope you guys can figure out what I’m asking you.

Screenshot 2024-07-23 at 3.46.16 PM
So this is what happened. Any idea why?

Do you have a space in the name of the object by any chance on accident?

Most likely not because if I somehow did that I would know

If your script is a local script it will not see anything under ServerStorage.

Move it to ReplicatedStorage if you want the client to see it!

I would check and make sure just by double clicking on the part or selecting the name in the property and making sure.

Otherwise, are you sure the code isn’t actually progressing correctly? Sometimes the object may not load in time, giving you that warning, even though once it loads it will continue the script as usual.

Ok for some reason if I switch to FindFirstChild it works!

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