Hello again.
This time I bring new content that you can see in the images and the video.
I will not put much information this time because it is too late and I have to sleep or this game will probably never come out.
The game will have 6 with 3 variants each biome. I will not only put 6 biomes there will be more like event biomes or large updates.
Now when will the game come out? ā surprisingly:
Beta launch on the first day of September.
Official Launch on Halloween * 5 days before Halloween.
Obviously it will officially go out together with 2 events the first of Halloween with a duration of 16 days without counting the 5 extras and the Christmas event that will leave days after Halloween will last 1 month and 26 days will end and the new year will begin with another event.
If you ask if the map looks empty, not because the game is not optimized, Iām just making the place and then detailed decoration in each corner of the map.
Bugs to fix
- animals with AI so bad to cry.
- Swords with small animation problems.
- The strange behavior of the character in some cases
- Inventory issues such as duplicate items
- Problems with the moon
- money problems
Just thank you for reading and remember to state what you think about other bugs you noticed and ideas for the game.
RPG roblox save 2 - YouTube