American Bus Company | Karson, MI | Update Logs
Latest Update - v1.3.0b
Major Updates:
- Added NEW Roblox 2022 Textures! (Kept the concrete one to a degree)
- Expanded the dock area near the lake
- Added scripts for the fire station signal
- Expanded the roads in the Road GUI system
- People who lost their whitelist should now have it restored!
- Fixed an issue where resetting your camera causes it to glitch
- Added a command to remove some of your un-needed GUIs from view
Use the:showselfguis
commands to toggle
*Note that it will be able to be used with the nametags shortly.
Minor Updates:
- Fixed some discrepancy’s with the Road GUI
- Fixed the incorrectly rotated gates
- Lowered the sound of the gates and fixed their range
- Fixed a slight starting GUI bug
Previous Updates:
Major Updates:
- Added new Road GUI system with street names and their respective speed limits
- Switched the loop locations of LMS
- Added new logos
- Brand new loading screen
- Updated many traffic lights
- Expanded Lilley Road near base
- New Base & Spawn Building
Minor Updates:
- Started expansion of map (as seen on the street where KHS is located)
- Fixed start screen glitching with the replacement start screen.
- Moved location of a small neighborhood near a traffic light outside of base
That’s all I can think of for this update!