Amersfoort Update Log
This post will contain our update log. In this message you can find the update description if you are not in the community server.
- New OvD-G vest. (HC+)
- New MMT uniform for Doctor/Pilot. (MMT+)
- New standard vest added. (LR+)
- Added firefighting equipment, helmet/bottle/mask. (LR+)
- Version text made larger and clearer.
- Many bugs fixed.
- New thumbnails
- Ambulance motorcycle added (MMT Arts+)
- Every emergency service with a motorcycle has a motorcycle helmet.
- Each vest/barret/helmet is secured with a box.
- Multiple bugs have been removed
- Pawns don’t work yet. These have been temporarily removed until the bug is fixed.
- Golf (civil) fixed.
- KMar has been given an enlarged Dressing Room.
- KMar clothing cannot simply be worn.
- Police have a new vest.
- Police have a new couple.
Dienst Speciale Interventies
- New vest.
- New holster and bag on leg.
- New helmet.
Koninklijke Marechaussee
- New vest.
- New coupling belt.
- New MMT, OvD-G and Standard vest.
- New torque belt on every uniform.
- MMT Helmet.
Fire Department
- New helmet.
- Added respirator and breathing mask, these are in the helmet.
- Added new village, Soesterberg. This village is not yet accessible but we are working on it.
- All trees are set in autumn theme.
- The whole map has an orange fog.
- The map has been transformed with halloween decoration.
- Added Halloween wave.
- Added new type of houses.
- Modified clothing sheds in each emergency services building.
- Fixed many bugs & viruses.
- DSI helmet stays correctly on your head.
- Trauma heli working again.
- Most of the bugs are done.