So yeah I felt like adding the crewmate pets on the model and I’m kinda happy how it turned out
I tried making the mesh better
Some feedback would be nice but I’m not an expert on making meshes so yeah feel free to give some feedback
Well the main guy took me about 1h to make
the small guys were duplicated and scaled down
the knife took me about 20 min make
hands i was just lazy and used a sphere
over all it took me 2h or so cuz i didnt rly looked how long it took for texturing
Do you want some criticism? Because the only thing that I can think of is that there are alot of corner bits if you kn ow what I mean. If you look at the picture I put down below you can see the char from among us is all curve! image|202x280
“Red is looking suspicious. I have to find out what is he doing.”
-Light Blue
Anyway, that looks absolutely adorable you made. I like it! Keep up good work but there is one issue. Why is this part looks offset by the red primary body part?