Among Us New View

If you haven’t seen my previous post, I made a poll asking what you guys preferred for our among us inspired game. Do you like the view below? If not, what can I do to improve it?

  • It’s good
  • I don’t like it.

0 voters

Please do not comment on the builds, this is not what’s going to be in the game!


I think the view is right, yeah. If I´m correct, the imposter in Among Us has a more zoomed our view, so you may do that also in a future, it looks like a very cool project. Guess you will add something like tasks later, and a lot more stuff

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Mhm! We are creating an among us inspired game, we will of course add our own original idea to it.

I think you could make the tables more detailed

Hello, the building isn’t the one that will be in the actual game, it is just to place a few objects as showcase of the camera!

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Hi, thanks for your feedback, but as said in the above reply, the surrounding isn’t the actual one, everything is completely different, this is just to show how the camera would work.

I really like the build, maybe some more detail, but it still looks really nice!

In my opinion it’s too bland, look at the floor texture on the real map. Try adding checker design.
But then again it’s your choice if you want to.

He’s asking for feedback on the camera, not the map. He specifically stated it’s not a finished map, they are just starting.

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