2021 Handbook
Greetings! This is the official Anágo handbook that is supposed to answer FAQ, Affiliation guidelines, etc. For more information that isn’t apart of this guide, contact a Public Relations member immediately
Staff Information
How to operate as a staff member
Operations as a staff member is all about customer service. Once you begin your shift (joining the game), go line up at the front counter. Refrain from cutting the line or else you will face immediate consequences by a present Middle Rank. As stated in training, once a customer walks up to your register, you say your greeting and proceed with serving.
How do I get promoted to Executive Staff?
Getting a promotion to Executive Staff takes time and effort. Below, the Employment Department has set up a list of tips to help you get a promotion to Executive Staff.
- Be present at shifts daily
- Active in the discord
- Resembling traits such as professionalism, leadership, loyalty, etc
- Don’t supervise as that isn’t your duty
How do I get promoted to Management Intern?
Management Intern is just the beginning of a Management chapter. In order to get Management Intern, you must be noticed by the Employment Department. Once noticed, they will be looking after your activity for the following couple of days/weeks. If you possess safe-chat, you aren’t permitted to get suggested.
Alliance Information
If you are interested in forming an alliance with us, your group must possess all of these criteria.
- No bad reputation within the group
- Having at least 35% group members of our concurrent member count
- No history of selling ranks, free-ranking etc.
- Concurrent player count in-game except during sleeping hours for your groups main timezone
Who you should contact
There are certain individuals to contact based on certain situations. Please use this section as a guide to help you with contact information.
Public Relations Department
These individuals are High/Senior Ranks that control over our alliances, community events, etc. These people are to be contacted about the things below.
- Alliance Information
- Blacklist Information
- Public Events
Employment Department
These Senior/High Ranks are individuals who only control the Management Team and Management Recruitment. If you have questions about any of the things below, you should contact them immediately.
- Staff Relations
- Management Applications
- Management Blacklists
Moderation Department
This department is a community department that certain people moderate both in communications & in-game. These people AREN’T apart of the Management Team, and don’t partake in operations such as trainings.
- Bans
- Game Issues (Community Moderator+)
Creations & Contracting Department
These are those whom control all creations in-game, and are those who control financing. They are those who bring us our experiences to the best abilities. Contact them for the following:
- Game Bugs
- C&C Department Recruitment (Head Creator/President Contacting)
Familiar Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: How do I become a Management Intern?
A: Work hard as an Executive Staff.
Q: How do I form an alliance with Anago?
A: Follow instructions further up the handbooks.
Q: Do you plan on selling ranks?
A: No. We won’t be selling any ranks.
Hope that answered your question! If no, ask a Senior Administration about your question.
Thank you for reading,
ariestens, Owner
Sororitena, Co Owner