|| An 3D Clothing Remake of an Character I've made ||


Ok, I’ll just get into this quickly and short as possible, over the past few months, I’ve been making 3D Clothing in ROBLOX Studio using Mesh Parts only and I did really well from the reviews I’ve gotten in the older posts, so I decided to remake my 3rd ever 3D Clothing Character I made in ROBLOX Studio, My Golden Demon Boss, and please stick with me on this, you may or may not believe this but, it took only 50 Minutes - 1 Hour to make.


Remake || Golden Boss III

Old || Golden Boss II

Old Post


If you can’t see it close enough you could open the image in another tab, or request for closer photos.

the head is too bright compared to the other stuff and the white eyes just blend in. it is also too blocky and does not have any depressions or bumps or anythingScreen Shot 2021-11-08 at 6.39.40 PM
and some not smooth angles,

and the entire thingshould be slightly glowing if this is some synthetic fabric thing or something,
nice job!

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I just tested the Rig, it has Z fighting inside its legs and Arms, I’ma fix it and take your Criticisim in consideration of fixing it to. Thanks!

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Edited the Remake a lil, Is this better?

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yes, it is better, now make the eyes super neon and super white, and then fix some of this:Screen Shot 2021-11-08 at 7.01.00 PM
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Screen Shot 2021-11-08 at 7.01.08 PM

also the feet look like he’s in a sack

Sorry about that, rlly nothing I can do about the feet unless I animate and make its Idle Anim. but I’m gonna finish its progress tomorrow, rn im tired, but thats for the feedback and Criticism. Also I just tested the Rig in Moon Animator using Animations I made, I gotta fix the legs again. They are Z Fighting and Sized uncorrectly.

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ah looks better like that, the torso goes into the leg during this thing tho and the parts of the thing are just left out weirdlyScreen Shot 2021-11-08 at 7.12.29 PM