An action to paste instances from original ancestor

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to paste instances that I’ve copied into the correct services or ancestor that I have from the same place or other place files.

Right now, I have one place open or multiple to copy instances or children to games or development places to experiment API, and when I do copy and paste, I have to paste into one of the services like Workspace and then move them around, this is bothersome and having a prompt to paste into their original ancestors from the same place or another place would be helpful.

My alternative (or current behavior) is this:

  • Paste into one service (ex. Workspace).
  • Drag and move properties/instances to the correct service.

Many times, the steps I’ve provided are bothersome and make me waste time categorizing scripts, models, or packages across my game, a single prompt for pasting into services they were last copied from would be beneficial.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because it wouldn’t be a hassle from the steps I have to do, and having this action / prompt would paste where the original ancestor was where it’s parented.


Do you mind providing an example demonstration of the issue? I’m not quite sure what you’re having a problem with, or how your solution works. (preferably with screenshots showing each step!)

edit: I think I get it actually - you mean this, right:

  • have two place files open in two windows
  • in place file 1, you have some instances you’d like to copy, but they don’t all have the same parent (in your case, they’re in different services)
  • copy them to clipboard
  • in place file 2, you attempt to paste them, but you have to paste them all into the same parent, rather than them ‘remembering’ which parent they were in originally (in this case, your instances in different services all end up in the same service, which then have to be moved back into the correct service)

I think you could generalise this feature request as some kind of ‘try and paste instances preserving their ancestry’ feature request?


Yea, that’s what I mean, I should’ve been more clear when writing the feature request on that, going to edit it more.

Usually, it happens in one place file instead of multiple, although I do sometimes copy and paste different places to move stuff over. I’ll try to generalize it more in-depth as you’ve explained. :+1: