An actual way to install roblox studio

There’s no page dedicated to installing studio, it’s just installed quietly in the background when you install the player. This is weird. I’m thinking the button should be on the main develop page.

EDIT: Apparently there is a tiny download button. As one of the biggest features of the platform it should have a more eye-catching button.

It wasn’t weird until you pointed out that it was weird. :frowning:

Either way, support

Already done :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote] Already done :stuck_out_tongue:

-snip- [/quote]

That is so damn subtle…

I actually only noticed it because I went to screenshot the page to make a mockup, and it was exactly where I was going to put it.

Wow, that’s a tiny button

I don’t think that helps the issue of “non-obscure method to install studio” :confused:

I don’t think that helps the issue of “non-obscure method to install studio” :/[/quote]

And thats why I use this #ShamelessSelfPromotion

I was thinking something similar, especially after the maker faire.