Is there a way to list the keys in a given DataStore?
Thank you
Is there a way to list the keys in a given DataStore?
Thank you
Nope, that’s not possible. Roblox doesn’t let us do that.
What about ListKeysAsync method?
that already exists via globaldatastores. this function dosent exist in normal datastores.
What do you mean by “normal” datastores?
I am using the datastores with the following code:
local dataStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore(“SomeName”)
is this a “normal” datastore?
I can call ListKeysAsync on this datastore and loop through the “pages” objects
I get the error 21:45:22.294 ChangeVal is not a valid member of Frame "oKeyMoney2" - Edit 21:45:22.294 Stack Begin - Studio 21:45:22.294 Script 'cloud_6013845672.DataEditor.MainScript', Line 483 - Studio 21:45:22.294 Stack End
This might be a dumb question, but can you make a gui version of this plugin, like make it only accesible to admins, or maybe people who cant use studio
Hello developers.
Today, I would like to announce a new model that this plugin will follow.
It has been 4 years since the release, and this plugin is getting so many installs day-by-day.
So, I’ve made the decision to make the plugin paid, but still provide a full free version.
From now on, the plugin on the creator store costs $4.99 but you can get the .rbxmx file for free from the Github repository.
First of all, I’ll try to provide updates to the plugin and if you have bought the plugin, you will recieve updates earlier and also update by just clicking a button in Studio.
You can support the plugin’s development as well as my work. It means a lot to me and keeps me motivated to work on my plugins
I want to make sure to fix UX issues, bugs first. Then, I would love to add some features that the community suggests! Also add more options to the plugin.
So, I would love to hear your opinions and suggestions!
After all these years, I’ve designed a new logo for the plugin!
Take a look
(no text version)
Which one do you prefer? I’ll use the text version for now.
0 voters
Thank you so much for the tens of thousands of installs!
I’m so proud of this plugin and I would love to make it come to life again, with updates, new features.
Edit: Roblox doesn’t allow me to set a USD price at the moment. I hope it will be resolved soon
nice plugin keep going with your work bro
Sorry for the delay, there were some issues with the website but Roblox has quickly fixed it and now you can buy the plugin for $4.99!
Hi, i know that this is a stupid question but uhh, how do i apply my datastore? It isn’t applying for whatever reason
Bug: value called “UnlockedModes” hided (no matter what it contains)
Could you show me a screenshot of the output window? It would be really helpful.
Hi, i have a question about your plugin, is there a way to disable plugin’s prints? ty
Which prints exactly? Maybe they’re not intentional.
the print Data editor is loading
Oh alright, the prints have been removed!
Please update the plugin.
Same problem for me, with a value called “UnlockedObbies”
Hard to imagine this was made 5 years ago, WOW.
Anyways, I’d recommend using DataDelve. For now, it seems to have the most features and least bugs out of any datastore editor. It also has automatic completion for names and keys, and you can rollback data through it aswell.
If you’re risky, you can go canary. It’s less tested, but updates are released earlier.
Wow, this plugin is amazing! Thank you for letting me know about this. Super easy to use with DataStore modules such as ProfileStore as well!