DataDelve — easy, free datastore editor


DataDelve is a graphical interface for Roblox’s DataStore API. When you need to interact with datastores in studio, you can use this plugin for a quick and easy experience.

Here are some screenshots and features:

Near-complete API Coverage!

DataDelve supports every method within the DataStore API except for GetGlobalDataStore and IncrementAsync. The functionality of these methods is easily replicable, though.



You can view and load previous versions of a key. This is useful when you mess something up or a player loses their data.

Even more!

Press to see a list of other useful features!

User Id Shortcut

Finding a person’s UserId can be tedious, so I added a shortcut to help with that. In text boxes that accept keys, you can type in @username and it will replace it with the appropriate UserId. Place a backslash (\) before the @ to disable the shortcut.

Metadata Editing

Right click on UserIds or Metadata to begin editing them. The limit for UserIds is 4 IDs, and for Metadata is 300 bytes.

Video of me using it

Press for more videos

Coming soon!

Check out my GitHub project (DataDelve · GitHub) for features that will be arriving in about a month/two months! (items in backlog not guaranteed)


If you’ve used the plugin, I would appreciate it if you could fill out this form:

If you find any bugs, please DM me or post it here.



Other options

Canary version:



Sick bro this is amazing ui design and overall really useful gonna be using this a ton


I’m only using it for the UI lol Really nicely done plugin judging from the screenshots and videos provided! Would be looking forward to using this



This looks amazing, and my first question literally was: why is this free? The quality is light years ahead of every other datastore plugin out there, and the feature set… It looks like a genuinely useful editor which allows you to do the difficult stuff that usually takes 10-15 minutes with a command line.

I just tried it out, and the experience is one of the smoothest I’ve had with any plugin.


This looks really good! Amazing work on the aesthetics (except for that mockup in the OP lol)

I appreciate you’re going for open-source instead of paid, I’d be happy to contribute when the GitHub is out!


This is honestly such an insane plugin! I’ve only had it open for five minutes and I’m blown away!

I absolutely love the version history, associated user IDs, and metadata values that are visible per key that aren’t available on the plugin I was preivously using (DataStore Editor V3).

The fact that this is free is also mind blowing to me.

There are some features that aren’t available and aren’t planned such as data importing/exporting and also saving/loading datastores by place, name & scope (both DSE V3 features). Will those eventually be planned/added?


Thank you everyone for all the positive feedback!

I thought it would be useful for everyone, so I made it free so everyone has a chance to use it.

Import/export to JSON is planned. I’m not yet sure about adding Set Place Id since it’s a confusing feature, and if you know how it works, it’s easy enough to do on the command line. Name and scope for datastores is already added, unless you mean something else.