Since OnUpdate is broken I need an Alternative, we all do.
You can read the Bug Report Here
Non of the Staff has Replied to the Bug Report Thread so I have no clue what’s going on, if it would be fixed or not.
So I decided to use an Alternative, but I have no idea how so I’m asking
It would probably be something like using HTTPService, I have no idea
I want to Detect when there is an Updated Place Version
This is what the Code would look like if OnUpdate is working
-- PlaceVersion DataStore On Update Event + Update Async --
local Current_PlaceVersion = game.PlaceVersion
if RunS:IsServer() then
local GameDataStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore('Name','PlaceVersion')
-- Update Async
GameDataStore:UpdateAsync("PlaceVersion", function(Old_Value)
local New_Value = Old_Value < Current_PlaceVersion and Current_PlaceVersion or nil
return New_Value
-- On Update
local Connection; Connection = GameDataStore:OnUpdate("PlaceVersion", function(New_PlaceVersion)
if Current_PlaceVersion < New_PlaceVersion then