An effect similar to stereoscopic 3d effect/chromatic aberration/anaglyph

Hello, recently I was trying to find ways to create the visual effects listed in the title, inside a roblox game, however after some searching I discovered that apparently there is no straightforward way to implement them as conventional screen filters. It appears that most people try to simulate those visuals by using viewports, but after attempting to do so myself ,I concluded that aproaching the effect with viewports was not that ideal due to the current limitations that viewports have. So after some scripting I managed to recreate an illusion that I consider to be relatively similar to the anaglyph effect.
Here are pictures of some of the results;

Note: The last picture is not a model that I have made, just a random free model I found in the toolbox. The last picture is just to show how with the right setting the scripts can work on complex models too.

The scripts that I made let me create a clone of a mesh, part or a union that is either outside or inside a model. The scripts constantly change the position of the clone so that it would be behind the original regardless of the player’s viewpoint . They also let me make precise adjustments to the directions of the clone’s displacement relatively to the original, as well as how far back it is (relatively to the target)-. I am also able to change the transparency, material and color of the clone.

Here is a free model containing the scripts along with instructions on how to use them (This is the older version of the scripts that has some problems so please use the newer version in the PATCH NOTE below it is superior in quality):

Hello again, since I noticed that there were some problems with the scripts whenever they were used on a moving target such as a walking player (the arm and leg clones located at the joints would not get the correct orientation) I had to fix the scripts for my own game and so I thought that i might as well update the version that people could get their hand on. I also created a version of the scripts that works on beams that you can now get here.

An example of how the improved version of the scripts work

This is how the effect used to look with the previous version (it worked fine while you were siting stil but it looked weird while you were moving in any way)

Here is a link to the improved version of the scripts for the effect ( they are contained within the part)

And here is a link to the new scripts for the effect that work on beams ( they are contained within the part)

The script that works on beams has its max transparence limit removed and makes the two parts that a beam would normally be attached to become transparent. The script is supposed to target a model containing a beam in addition to the parts that It is attached to and the attachments connected to the beam. When you target a model with that setup, the script will clone the beam and change its color and transparency according to your settings (the variables at the top of the script). It is important to note that the texture of the clone beam would always be the same as that of the original, meaning that if the texture of the original beam changes the texture of the clone will change itself automatically in order to match it.

An example of how the scripts that work on beams work

The setup for the model targeted by the Beam script should look like this
It is not very important weather the model is contained within your character or whitin the workspace.

The scripts can work on nearly anything it does not have to be just your character they can work on any model, mesh, union or a part that you chose to target however you will probably need to adjust the settings based on the way the target looks in order to get a nice-looking result.
For some reason the scripts seem to only work if they were placed inside the starter pack, unfortunately I am not sure why, so I could not fix this.
If you would like to use the effect of the scripts on your character, just copy the name of your character model while you are play testing and then paste it in the list of targets.
I forgot to list that in the instructions but if you set the local DisplacementBackwards variable to a negative value the clones created by the effect would be displayed infront of the target .
The scripts exist since to my understanding most people try to achieve those visuall effects by using viewport frames however that sacrifices the lighting and shadows of whatever the effect would be used on while these scripts do not have that problem.

And here are more examples of ways you can use the scripts:

feel free to use the scripts inside your own games.

Also in case you might prefer the viewport frame approach that I spoke of earlier.
Here is a link to my other post about it containing another free model with the scripts:


Quick, edit:
Recently I have just tried out the scipts from the free model inside a freshly made Place, and it appears that for some strange reason some of them are only able to run if they are placed in the StarterPack, so in case any of them do not function even after being activated please try placing them in the StarterPack.
Also another note regarding the displacement controls:
Please ignore the notes that begin with – after the “local DisplacementUp =” and the “local DisplacementDown” since I forgot to swap them, the actual direction that the setting is using is the one contained in the name of the local variable.
Last note:
If you wish to use the effect on your character, the easiest way to do so is by copying the name of your characters model while in game, and then pasting it into the list of targets

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For reference the effect is suppposed to look similar to the effect you can see in theese images