An error occurred while starting Roblox Studio: HttpQueryInfo failed

Reproduction Steps
Direct Links: occurs when opening Roblox studio whatsoever.
System Information: Intel® Core™ i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60 GHz, 16.0 GB, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080, Windows 11
Beta Features: I am unable to check. I have the server player size beta feature enabled, not sure if any others are.
Reproduction Files: n/a

Expected Behavior
I expect Roblox Studio to open.

Actual Behavior
Instead, Roblox Studio produces an error:

An error occurred while starting Roblox Studio

Details: HttpQueryInfo failed with message Forbidden
eboost_removal_test_in_prod/version-8c36f8751c8a48d5-cont [IP = [omitted]]. Error: The operation
completed successfully. (0x00000000).

Issue Area: Studio
Issue Type: Crashing
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2021-11-29 15:11:00 (-06:00)
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Experiencing the same problem. Was very alarmed.


Experienced the same thing. What fixed it for me was a clean reinstall of both Roblox and Studio (wiping all data in assocation to Roblox).

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I tried this but it unfortunately didn’t work for me.

I actually tried to uninstalled and reinstall but I was way too concerned with my files to fully remove Roblox all data associated with Roblox as you have.

I have aboslutely no clue how but my issue has finally been resolved. :pray:

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Hi @Ethan_Waike, Have your issue been resolved?

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After a third reinstall of Roblox and Roblox Studio my problem was solved, thank you.


Hi Thomas,

Would you mind trying to re-install Roblox Studio and launch again?

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