An Interesting Twist on a 1 Million Seconds Countdown timer game

Hi, My name is StrozyGaming. Me and my buddy AntonShudder206 are working on a 1 Million Seconds Countdown timer game but I had this really neat Idea where players can play in minigame events that can affect the global timer. We have a pretty big map that people can explore, and find hidden quirks. But the map is more for the different events I have planned for this. I do know that its “not up to par” for these absolutely insane Roblox games. But since I personally have not coded in Roblox for about 2 years I think this is a good game to work on to get back into it. I am also planning on a really really BIG game in the future, but I will make a post about that later.

There are problems whilst writing this that I will probably run into while coding it. But that’s not what this topic is about.

I want your feedback on if this game would perform as well as I think, and possibly some other really neat ideas that I can implement into this game. Note, neither of us are amazing at making games look nice, and honestly don’t have the budget to hire anyone, since most of the budget we have is going towards advertising.