An issue with sending messages

Why for me doesn’t work this code?

local function SendMessage (Message, Color)
	game.StarterGui:SetCore("ChatMakeSystemMessage",  {
		["Text"] = Message,
		["Color"] = Color,
		["Font"] = Enum.Font.Bangers

it have to send message, but It won’t!

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Did you call the function by chance?

every 10 seconds, all should works

Could I see how you call the function?

while task.wait(10) do
     SendMessage("myMessage", "red")

I also tried to call it without parametrs but still nothing, also my output is clear.

This doesn’t work with the new chat system. Either switch to the legacy one or rewrite for the new one.

is there new method to send messages?


game:GetService("TextChatService").TextChannels.RBXSystem:DisplaySystemMessage(message here)

Yes, take a look at this reply.

I don’t see any messages in the chat (and yes, I added “”)

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