An operating system within Roblox: CoreOS


hi its me again, this isnt a rEaLLy big problem, just a spelling mistake but you spelled “command” wrong

Screen Shot 2021-07-06 at 2.13.04 PM

Wanted to make a recreation of MacOS, you guys did a great job but I may not continue on developing mine since I’ll have kids telling me that I’ve copied people

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That error is because of internet, Roblox can’t access their databases. Check your internet

no it isn’t because of the internet, I literally said I could play any other game

it’s because mobile isn’t allowed on that game

I even tested it on pc and pc works, idk why you said internet

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Well, it’s not my genre, nor would I even call it one. I think it’d best suit a showcase. Plus, this idea isn’t original anyways, if anything its inspired. Go ahead and make your game, I’ve not been told by anyone that I’m a “copier” just yet.

Something that you need to fix is dragging around windows, I was on it just to drag windows and you dissapoint me :sob:

Anyhow must be a bit hard (for me isnce i don’t know math and basic logic),

but it seems like you’re not using RenderStepped for updating the position of the window, and I can feel it, it lags behind and has A LOT of tearing, you should really fix that,

and also it just drags in the wrong position. (That’s really the harder part)


is this a problem?

looks like somebody copied the whole game, unless thats an alt you used or something…

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Took me about a minute or two to do that, ended up putting an autoclicker on the upgrade button after I realized how insane each click was giving me.

Finally gave up:

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Ok, please urgently link that game in DMs. Defo leaked.


You can search Core OS in search. Thing is though, they have tablet and mobile access. I’d like to see that come to the real core OS.

Core OS is a PC OS, not mobile. However, I may consider mobile support into the future, although it’s not guaranteed.

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