It has been discovered that r15 avatars have higher texture quality than r6 avatars. I was curious to know what the easiest way would be to have an r15 avatar with all the r6 parts.
If you want a reference to what I mean, check out this video (timestamp attached):
they probably use just use the player’s r15 avatar, then make all the r15 parts invisible (except for the head cuz it doesn’t need replaced) and attach mesh parts with the meshes of the r6 body parts (right arm, left arm, right leg, left leg, and torso) then weld those parts to the middle r15 body parts (LowerRightArm, LowerLeftArm, LowerRightLeg, LowerLeftLeg, and UpperTorso) and then how the shirts and stuff is they set the texture id of the mesh parts to the shirt’s textureId for the left arm, right arm, and torso, and the pants’s textureId for the legs