I’ve built a simple torch tool for my game, but whenever I go to equip it in game, it moves me to the location I built it in. I know this happens with anchored tools, but this one is completely unanchored, and I’ve checked every part to make sure it’s not. However, this still happens:
robloxapp-20210118-2047400.wmv (2.0 MB)
As you can see from the photo below, when I select the tool it shows as unanchored. Is there any way I can fix it?
Is the handle inside the tool anchored?
No, I made sure that none of the parts were
Is it possible for you to send the tool as a file to me so I can look at it in studio? (In PMs if you wish)
Sure, here’s the link: Torch - Roblox
Sorry for not PMing it but if other people have to take a look too it might be easier to just put it here so they can see what’s wrong
I am afraid that I am not having that issue. Have you tried the model in a different game to test it out?
Maybe a script that auto-anchors everything?
A bit of a long shot but maybe you accidentally welded some part in the tool to another anchored part in the workspace?
I haven’t tried it in another game, but I know I don’t have any scripts anchoring everything as there are other tools in my game that have worked perfectly fine.
Maybe, I’ll see if that’s the problem
Test the game out, and during the testing select the tool and see if it is anchored in-game.
Ok, I think the welds were the problem. I must have welded the parts to another model instead of to each other by accident, thanks!