I have a virus that follows me around. It has no name and it cannot be detected by antiviruses. How do I find the plugin causing this?
First of all try doing CTRL + Shift + F
and find scripts which have a require() call and are unknown to you, it might be those files. Also I don’t understand how you know its a Plugin that is causing the virus. Can you please screenshot the output log when you play the game?
Well if it’s really bad, then you might have to factory reset, but it depends on what virus it is.
Depends on what you’re talking about though. If it’s just in roblox itself then I don’t know.
Ctrl + Shift + F couldn’t find anything. I know it’s a plugin because everywhere I go, the place is infected.
Do you get any errors in the output log?
To me it seems like the error is generated from the Cutscene Editor, uninstall it and then see if the error continues
Threads like this pop up almost weekly now. Plugin viruses aren’t undetectable, you just have a plugin actively writing this code to your game. You need to go back, check your plugins (and preferably one-by-one) to isolate which one is inserting the virus and then uninstall it.
The code you posted, which just seems to be a long spand of string, is what we call obfuscation, or at least an attempt at it.
People will use this to attempt and hide malicious code, or prevent others from seeing there code. I would defiantly be extremely careful with any code that looks like that (as your viruses will typically be in it)
Uninstall that plugin/script for now and see if the issues continues to occur, if it does then that code isn’t causing your “virus” (however that doesn’t mean it’s not causing other things)
I’m sorry for having a thread like this. I will try isolation.
Was just about to reply this the second I saw the screenshot.
Does the plugin work as mentioned/described?
Good luck with finding it, you should try to disable half at once and then half of the remainder until there is one left. This on average is the fastest way to find it. Good luck